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  • Department 56 - Possible Dreams  - The Grinch - A Little bit more

    Department 56 - Possible Dreams - The Grinch - A Little bit more

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    DEPARTMENT 56 - POSSIBLE DREAMS -  A Little bit more
      • POSSIBLE DREAMS DR SEUSS THE GRINCH BY DEPT 56 - A LITTLE BIT MOREDesigned by Featuring Ann Dezendorf, U.S. artist and Possible Dreams brass tag, this Christmas collectible is uniquely sculpted and hand painted.
      • Material: Resin, PVC, Polyester, Clothtique-
      • Dimensions: 46cm H x 23cm W x 38cm L / 18"H x 9"W x 15"L- Handcrafted from high-quality, hand-painted clothtique, a proprietary stiffened fabric material with mixed media accents.- Designed in the US by Ann Dezendorf exclusively for Department 56.- Presentation: Branded Giftbox.